Mental health support groups for LGBTQ+ people in TartuUser's  MTÜ Peemoti Raamatud project in the category Civic initiative

Help us organize mental health support groups for LGBTQ+ people in Tartu

LGBTQ+ people, especially younger ones, are often extremely vulnerable, and the target of mental or physical abuse, social stigmatization and neglect by their families. Behemoth's center in Tartu is raising funds to run support groups with mental health professionals for the members of the community. 

Who are we?

Since the autumn of 2022, Behemoth's community center has become home to many LGBTQ+ people and members of other marginalized communities. It is a space where one can find new friends, join art or book clubs, get some cool pins and stickers for free or just be.


Queer people often suffer from minority stress, which can involve physical harm, discrimination, housing instability, and rejection by their families. The LGBTQ+ youth who experienced any of these are at 12 times greater odds of attempting suicide compared to those who did not. At the same time, the odds of committing suicide attempts are 35% lower if a person has at least one LGBTQ-affirming space, where they are accepted and cared for.

At Behemoth's center, we do not expect anyone to fit into society's norms or gender roles. All of us, including staff and volunteers, are members of the same community who spend time together, offer support, and continuously learn from one another.


Why do we need your support?

We want to run two support groups: one targeted specifically at transgender and non-binary people and the second one open to everyone.

  • First goal: 1000€

With 1000€ we will be able to organize two meetings per month in a year, 24 sessions altogether. Thank you for helping us to reach our first goal in less than three days! 

  • Second goal: 2000€

Reaching the second goal of 2000€ would allow us to fund our ongoing art and book club meetings. This means we will be able to buy art supplies and books so LGBTQ+ folks can have the means to express themselves safely and creatively. Your support means we can keep hosting these events without worrying too much about the money. 


What have we done so far?

We support the local LGBTQ+ community through creative practices such as painting, knitting, playing games, making pins and stickers, discussing books and many more. We used to organize support group meetings for transgender people and offered free mental health counseling for almost a year until our previous funding ended.

We are constantly exploring different funding possibilities and applying for grants, however, we do not have any funding at the moment. Previously we have successfully completed projects funded by the Active Citizens Fund, European Solidarity Corps, and the city of Tartu.

We've done a lot of collaborations with local artists, activists, NGOs and state organizations. Also, we take great pride in being honored with the Rainbow Hero award by the LGBT Association in 2023. 


Thank you!

Every person is beautiful and fragile as are communities. Please consider supporting our project, our home, our dream for a kinder and inclusive future. Or just come by and have some tea with us. Let's stick together, shall we?

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