Main arena for “The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” in 2018 in LilleoruUser's  MTÜ Lilleoru project in the category Civic initiative

In 2018, 500 sustainability experts and practitioners will gather to Estonia from all over the world to share their knowledge and best practices that we can adopt as individuals, in our communities and across countries and nations to make a leap towards more sustainable modes of living.

Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainable way of life stands on four pillars: 1) holistic and conscious self-development of a human being; 2) open communication and conscious cooperation; 3) fair economy and social entrepreneurship; 4) technologies that support the biodiversity and sustainable development of the ecosystems of the planet Earth.

Concious Change

People in different ecovillages all over the globe have practically explored various opportunities of changing the life of humanity in such way that it would have less stress on the environment and also could provide more support for the development of an individual human being and the community. Many of them have reached the conclusion that the change won’t happen or has no significant impact unless we address the change of our inner world first. The key to every change lies within a human being.

Greater impact

For exactly this reason we will bring to the focus of the conference “The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” knowledge that supports conscious and holistic development of a human being. Our goal is to create an impulse to speed up the necessary changes towards a more sustainable way of life and to increase their impact. See conference web site for more information.

Please donate and help us to make the conference happen! We’ll use your donation to purchase a used giant tent (formerly a circus tent) and prepare the ground for the conference main arena.

Cost breakdown

  • The cost of the used tent and the preliminary preparations of the ground - 12 000 EUR
  • Erecting the stage and providing the venue with electricity - 4 000 EUR
  • Building the ground with reusable materials - 6 000 EUR
  • In addition, we have to buy or rent the seats and lighting.

Technical characteristics

  • The tent can accommodate 500 – 600 people (maximum 900).
  • Floor area 530 m2.
  • New tent with similar characteristics would cost 100 000 EUR.
  • Tent is produced in Italy and has been in use in Estonia for 7 years.
  • The tent is made of PVC with life span of 50 years. At the end of its life cycle the material can be reused.
  • Tent comes with a 2-axle 7m transportation trailer.
  • To rent a similar tent for the conference (including the preparatory period) for 2 weeks would cost more than to purchase a used one.

How are we going to use the tent?

  • We will start using the tent from summer 2017 to organise the Forum of Conscious and Organic Lifestyle in cooperation with Organic Estonia and Network of Estonian Eco-communities
  • Large outdoor venue will enable Lilleoru to hold even greater events, gatherings and conferences. The interest in conscious living and its practical tools is increasing and the current premises not even with the new schoolhouse are just not enough to cater for this need.
  • The arena is precisely suitable to cover the needs of the 2018 conference. Similar solution for similar events is in use also in various other eco-communities all across the Europe.
  • Our wish is to offer our tent also to other non-profit organisations to support larger gatherings and better networking between the non-profit organisations with shared goals and values.

Events in 2017:
June 3rd – Grand Summer Evening Concert and inauguration of the outdoor arena
June 3 – 4 – Lilleoru Open Doors Festival
August 19 – 20 – gathering of the practitioners of the Art of Conscious Change
August 26 – 27 – gathering of Estonian Ecovillages and the Forum of Conscious and Organic lifestyle in cooperation with Network of Estonian Eco-communities and Organic Estonia.

Schedule for the works:
October 2016 – April 2017 – peeling off the topsoil
May 01 – 14, 2017 – renewal of the topsoil
May 14 – 15, 2017 – erecting the tent
May 16 – 31, 2017 – building the stage, installing electricity system, renting seats, tuning of the audio and video equipment.

The campaign partners of Lilleoru are JCI Estonia and Hooandja.

  • Hooandja is a crowdfunding platform to support Estonian creative ideas and civic initiatives. Hooandja is also partner of GEN2018 conference.
  • JCI Estonia is an international network and a development oriented organisation with a mission to encourage young entrepreneurial people to create a positive change in the society.
  • Lilleoru NGO is one of the oldest and largest consciously established communities in Estonia. The mission of the non-profit is to support and enhance holistic and conscious development of a human being.

The conference “The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” is organised by

Global Ecovillage Network Europe
Network of Estonian Eco-communities
Lilleoru NGO
Conference website:

This conference is our present to Estonia celebrating the 100th anniversary of the State!

Take a look at the EV100 homepage and register yourself as our supporter!

  • 204 backers
  • 12898€raised of 12000€ goal

Successful project

This project was funded on 14.Dec.2016

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